Tylenol vs Advil - Which is Better? Is There a Yet Better Choice?
natural pain relief

Tylenol vs Advil vs Natural Remedies

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Tylenol vs Advil - which is better? Or is there something better than either one? A sales trick sometimes used is something like "would you like this one or would you like this one?" It engages the mind in making a choice between two items and diverts attention from the fact that there may be other options or that neither of the two offered may, in fact, be suitable or needed. When it comes to pain medications, there are not just two - there are many options - and if your are going to pick one you should compare and pick the one most suited to your situation but also consider other options.

This page may help you make the choice of Tylenol vs Advil but it also has another purpose. Maybe an OTC pain medication is what you really feel you need at the moment - after all, you may be in pain and looking for quick relief. But, especially in the long-term, there are other options to decrease and to avoid pain and that is what this site is about.

This page can help you with the Tylenol vs Advil comparison and it can also help you be aware of how to avoid pain in the future.

Year approved by FDA: 1974 1976
Producing company: Pfizer (formerly Wyeth) U.S.A. McNeil Consumer Healthcare, subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson. U.S.A.
Active ingredient: Ibuprofen (a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug NSAID) Acetaminophen (paracetomol) analgesic and an antipyretic
Format: Capsules, chewable tablets, gelcaps, oral drops, suspensions and tablets Chewable tablets, gelcaps, geltabs, liquid suspension, and suppositories
Mode of action: Inhibits cyclooxygenases (COX-1 and COX-2) Analgesic and antipyretic, a weak inhibitor of cyclooxygenases (COX-1 and COX-2) and possibly inhibits a third variant COX-3
Dosage: 200-800 mg per dose 325-650 mg per dose
Benefits: Relief from arthritic and body aches, fever reduction, anti clotting Relief from body and muscle ache, relief from allergies, cough, headache and flu, fever reduction
Side effects: Constipation, diarrhea, dizziness, fluid retention, gas, gastrointestinal bleeding, headache, heartburn, hypertension, indigestion, nausea, nervousness, vomiting Allergic reaction, kidney damage, liver damage, reaction if taken with alcohol, stomach bleeding or pain
Interactions: aminoglycosides or warfarin may cause side effects. Do not take with other NSAIDs carbamazepine, cholestyramine, isoniazid and rifampin reduce the effect

Tylenol vs Advil vs Natural Treatments - How They Work
Both Advil and Tylenol act on the synthesis of prostaglandins which the body produces in response to injury. While we don't want excessive pain, overuse of pain killers such as these which reduce inflammation are actually working against the bodies natural means of healing. Inflammation (Latin, inflammo, meaning "I ignite or set alight") is a means the body uses to protect the site of an injury and to initiate healing. Similarly, a fever is actually a means the body uses to rev up metabolism to speed healing.

Natural treatments work by, in some way increasing the functioning of the bodies natural mechanisms to fight disease and repair damage.

Tylenol vs Advil Dangers
ADD RE ADVIL Tylenol is the most-used drug in the world with acetaminophen its active ingredient in over 200 different OTC and prescription medications. The U.S. FDA considers acetaminophen the most common cause of liver failure, annually accounting for more than half of the cases in the U.S. It has been the subject of recalls in the past.

Acetaminophen is the drug most often implicated in overdoses of any kind according to the American Association of Poison Control Centers. In the U.S., estimates are that acetaminophen causes approximately 56,000 injuries, 25,000 hospitalizations, and 450 deaths annually. With statistics like that and all the side effects, you might be looking for means of natural pain relief.

Acetaminophen damages the liver by depleting glutathione. If you must use this liver-toxic product protect yourself by taking NAC (N-Acetyl-Cysteine), an amino acid that boosts levels of glutathione. NAC is what hospital emergency rooms use to treat acute acetaminophen toxicity.

NAC is harmless and is included in quality antioxidant formulas such as Proancynol 2000. Other liver protective natural remedies include alpha lipoic acid (also in Proancynol 2000), milk thistle (which you can grow yourself) and various bioflavonoids such as quercetin.

Research has shown a link between acetaminophen use and more long term-effects such as increased rates of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and reductions in lung function. (American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine May 1, 2005; 171:966-971)

Tylenol vs Advil? How About a Non-toxic Alternative?
Remember, pain is a signal, When you have determined the cause of pain and removed it, the pain will lessen and finally stop. Other than acute injuries, most chronic conditions involving pain are related to something in our lifestyle. It is certainly not from a deficiency of tylenol.


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