Free Doctor Advice from 10 "Doctors" Each a Specialist in One Lifestyle Area
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Free Doctor Advice

Knowledge from Lifestyle Experts

Green Tea

Free doctor advice. Do you, like many others, wish you could have your own panel of doctors to help you lead a healthy life? Wouldn't it be better to have access to them before you develop a problem; before the pain sets in?

Each section below links to a hub page that will include various pages of advice from, for example, Dr. Nutrition. Each "doctor" will present free doctor advice in a simple manner to help you in each lifestyle area. You can regard this as your own free, ask a doctor online service that you can consult at any time. So take some time for an appointment with each doctor, "ask" a doctor free of charge and learn what you can do to improve the quality of your life, decrease any pain you have and avoid future pain.


You deserve more than simply a quick answer to a specific question. Gaining the detailed background information will help you to actively manage your own health.

Introducing Ten Doctors and Their Free Counsel
(Click on each doctor's name (Dr. Nutrition etc.) for more details)

Dr. Nutrition You have, by different estimates, 75 to 100 trillion cells in your body. Each one needs to be fed and the job of your digestion is to take what you put in your mouth and turn it into cell food. The free doctor advice from Dr. Nutrition will explain how this process works so that you can apply the right principles to help make sure every cell gets the nutrition it needs and keep you healthy and pain free.

Dr. Exercise Use it or lose it. Your body is always adapting to the demands made upon it. If you are not using a muscle your body will use the resources for maintaining it somewhere else. Dr. Exercise tells us that if we get the blood flowing at a greater rate there will be a more effective distribution of oxygen, nutrition and better waste removal all producing a better environment for the cells of your body. "Many more rust out than wear out."

Dr. Water Every chemical reaction in your body happens in the medium of water. Dr. Water reminds us that we wouldn't wash all the dishes from dinner for eight using a mere gallon of water. The free doctor advice from Dr. Water tells you that if you want to stay clean on the inside you need enough water to do the job. Most people who think they drink enough are actually dehydrated.

Dr. Sunshine Proper exposure to sunlight is actually vital to our health and well being. Dr. Sunshine will explain how the cycles of light and dark work with our circadian rhythm and the hormones of our body to affect our mood, our sleep keep our bones strong and even protect us from cancer.

Dr. Temperance This may sound like an old-fashioned concept that was applied mostly to alcohol consumption long ago. However, Dr. Temperance reminds us that the principal is sound. Simply avoid that which is harmful to the body and use that which is good without going to excess. Moderation in all things will avoid many problems.

Dr. Air You'll die faster from lack of air than from food or water so it must be very important. Dr. Air's free doctor advice tells us that we need lots of it, the fresher the better. And it needs to get to every one of our trillions of cells so not only supply but distribution must be understood and taken care of.

Dr. Rest Just living causes wear and tear on our bodies. Dr. Rest reminds us that we need down time so that our body can keep everything in good working condition. You don't drive your car while the mechanic is under the hood. Take a break. Learning how to obtain optimum sleep will provide the best conditions for your body to do the necessary maintenance.

The Great Physician Knowing that God, sometimes referred to as The Great Physician, designed the human body in the first place and declared it, with everything else, to be "very good" we should recognize that it has built-in mechanisms to heal itself and preserve our health. It is up to us to become familiar with the owner's manual provided from the manufacturer, the Great Physician, to find how we can best maintain our health.

Dr. Detoxification Every day we are subject to a myriad of toxins and many of us have a toxic burden from the past that we are living with. Dr. Detoxification (Dr. Detox for short) can explain how to reduce your exposure to toxins and reduce the amount presently in your body.

Dr. Knowledge Many doctors have the attitude that they know everything about health, that it is their job to tell you what to do and your job to follow your doctor's orders. Dr. Knowledge says that it is your body. You should be your own health expert. You make the decisions with your doctor as an adviser. Take advantage of any free doctor advice you can get from your doctor but recognize that it is only one opinion. Arm yourself with knowledge in health matters and you will have a much better defense against disease and pain.

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease." (Thomas Edison, inventor)

Each of these busy "doctors" will add pages of information in their areas of specialty as they get the time in their busy schedules. So check back often to your free ask a doctor online service and "ask" a doctor freely for the information you need.

Watch the video version of this page by clicking the screen below:

Here are some other pages related to doctors and the medical system and your relationship to them:

The fundamental difference between drugs and natural remedies.

The dangers of doctor errors.

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You have a right (and a responsibility) to educate yourself regarding health matters.
The information presented here is not meant to diagnose, prevent, mitigate, treat, or
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